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What the hell is Friendless?

Are you a good friend?

James Avramenko has a lot of friends, at least on Facebook. Too many maybe. So he's decided to do something about it. Every week James has a friend on the show to talk relationships, social media, art, memories, or whatever else might come up. At the end of the interview they unfriend off Facebook and decide (or sometimes if) they'll stay in touch in the future. Friendless is a fun, irreverent exploration of what it means to be a friend in an age of social distancing and digital alienation. So listen along while James tries to become Friendless!

About the Host

James Avramenko

James Avramenko is the creator and host of Friendless. He is a multi-disciplinary artist, working in publishing, theatre, visual, and audio mediums. His work has been published in Geist, SledgeHammer Lit, and Monster Monthly. He dreams of someday writing movie novelizations.